
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Scrap That! September Challenge

Hi everyone! It is my turn to host the challenge this month and my challenge to you is to create a  new layout and “use the title of a song” somewhere on the layout. You can use it in your journalling, title..etc. This challenge is open to ANYONE! You do not need to be a Scrap That! kit subscriber to participate in this monthly challenge. This challenge runs from August 26th to September 14th. I will randomly draw a winner for a fabulous Pion Design Prize Pack!

The Rules:

1. Upload the project in our gallery and add this to your title : Scrap That! SEPT CHALLENGE
2. Upload it to your blog, or with the same title as mentioned in #1.
3. Comment in the Scrap That! Comminity Challenge Thread  thread with a link to your entry (from your blog, or
4. You can enter as many projects as you wish.
5. Have fun!

For my layout I used the song title..Melody of Love…and used it as my title. I really need help with titles, half the time I just want to upload my layouts with no titles…So maybe if I think about music..that will help.. .hehe…it can not hurt that is for sure J  

I sure hope you play along with the challenge this month! Remember, this challenge runs from August 26th to September 14th. I will randomly draw a winner for a fabulous Pion Design Prize Pack! YUMMY!!! See you all at the Reveal Blog Hop starting tomorrow at 10 am MST


  1. Beautiful Shona...hope I get a chance to play along!!

  2. Very pretty! Like the music notes!

  3. Great page! And I think you have a fab challenge idea there with the song titles! I can always use hlep with titles!

  4. beautiful page shona great colors and details..lovely work again!

  5. really beautiful layout... love the distressing!

  6. Your Work is GORGEOUS!!!!! You are so talented!!!!

  7. are so unbelievably talented!!! Love all your pages girly!!!
