
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Fabscraps Summer CHA Sneak!

Hi everyone and welcome to my blog. Well I tell you this has been such a weird week. Got back from camping on Sunday to my lil town flooding big time. We had 4 Flash Floods as well here. So many people were evacuated, lots of my friends too. My house is fine. I am one of the lucky ones with no basement. We are not allowed to drink or wash dishes in the water here though…it’s just too nasty, but I have my travel trailer that I can take dishes out there to wash and have a quick shower. Thing are finally starting to look better as the days go by. So anyways…that is why I have been kinda absent this past week. And today I have SNEAK PEAKS for SUMMER CHA from Fabscraps. Their new summer collection is so so amazing. The papers are just so shabby and gorgeous embellishments and chipboard pieces to go with it. I have a layout and a tag to share today.

The title piece is just painted with gesso and the banner is chippys covered with paper. The frame around the photo is also a chipboard piece that is covered with the collection papers.

The collection also comes with all these cute little embellishment tags and I have added a couple to this layout.

The rosettes are also made with the collection papers…this collection is really just so yummy!

Next I made a tag with the same collection. The title, anchors and lighthouse are all chippys from the collection.

Ok that is it for today. I will be back with more sneaks soon…there is so much more in this collection to share! Oh yes and don’t forget about the FlyingUnicorn Blog Hop for one day only…July 2nd. There will be lots of amazing give aways and  you can also win a Tim Holtz Vagabond die cut machine…that is just an insane giveaway..YUMMY!  I hope that you all have a fantastic weekend! Feel free to leave me some scrappy love comments, I love reading them ...take care and happy scrapping J


  1. Love the collection, particularly the polka dotted background paper! Glad you weren't flooded Shona.

  2. very nice Shona, and forgive me of the slacking havent been here lately just too busy.

    Love your LO and tag and beautiful pics used. Totally divine with loads of techniques and distress...really amazing work by you. xx

  3. Oh Shona so amazing and gorgeous sweetie, your work is just amazing and oh so beautiful!!! Love your work!

  4. Morning shona, wow this definately has the wow factor. Love all of it.
    And so glad to hear you were not flooded, we are having floods over here in the uk too, not near us thankfuly, altho we do have flood banks as we are very close to the river. Have a great week end. BFN

  5. Hi Shona, I do hope everything will get back to normal for your neighbourhood, I do understand as we had really bad floods last year... Your layout is stunning, the classic sea colors of red blue and white are amazing..and all your details look fabulous.. take care..

  6. Oh wow, Shona, these are fabulous!!! I LOVE all of your detail, the fun banner, those awesome tags...inspiring work indeed! Have a great day, I hope you and your family stay safe during the flooding. We just had a flood here, too! This weather is something else!

  7. So sorry to hear about your ordeal. Hope things get back to normal soon.
    Love your creations!

  8. Internet SQEEEEEAL! These are awesome!

  9. Forgot to say that I am so glad you're OK - a lot of tragedy with floods and fires around the world!

  10. I am happy that you are ok your work is stunning cool colors.

  11. Glad to hear that your house and family are fine.

    LOVE your LO and tag!!!


  12. What a story Shona! So glad you didn't get flooded, but it must have been awesome to see your friends and neighbours in distress nonetheless... Hope life will soon return to its normal self again!
    On to happier things then: your stunning new creations! Amazing maritime creations with such beautiful colours and details, love seeing this! Take care and all the best to you and your family and friends, Ira

  13. Love all the wonderful detail on your projects! They are absolutely fantastic!

  14. These are gorgeous Shona! I'm sorry to hear about the flooding. Its crazy so many are being flooded and we are in the middle of a horrible drought. I haven't mowed my yard in 5 weeks (thats the only plus side though). Hope everyone stays safe!

  15. Amazing work with the new line!! Love the black/red combo!! So sorry about the flooding, but glad you and your family are safe! ~ Blessings

  16. Shona, this layout and tag are simply gorgeous! Hope things get straightened out for you soon! Take care!

  17. These are just exquisite Shona! You worked the papers and the elements to perfection.

  18. I'm so glad you are OK, the flooding sounds horrible with so many people affected. These papers are gorgeous! fantastic work with them, my fave is the dotted one. What adorable embellishments and the tag is just so darling! xoxo
