
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Papa's Girl **CT Flying Unicorn - Shimmerz**

Hi everyone…hope ou all had a fabulous ST Patty’s Day. It is Mojo Monday sketch day at the Flying Unicorn and this weeks sketch was created by our very own Tammy Henderson and it is just deliscious!

 I have used lots of Prima and lots of Shimmerz products on this layout. The pearl drops are done with a Viva Black Pearl pen. The chippys are coverd with Shimmerz Enamelz Sparkliscious and than I misted them with some Shimmerz Before Dawn Vibez.

Love the new Prima Crackle Mask and the cut Prima Engraver chippy pieces. The paper doily is misted with some Shimmerz Cotton Candy Spritz....this is one of my favs!

The main cluster has some of the new Prima paper flowers, a Flying Unicorn Adornment and I finished everything off by using a Black Gelato around the edges.

Well that is it for today. I hope you swing by the Flying Unicorn Forums and try out this sketch.  Take care and happy Scrapping!


  1. Beautiful and I love that sketch toO!

  2. Wow what a lovely sketch, and your layout looks wonderful!!

  3. Wow Shona, you have been active my friend, love your latest creations! They're gorgeous, pretty and lovely at the same time! Sorry I've been MIA for a couple of days, was abroad (work). Hugs, Ira xox

  4. Cool work lovely layers and wonderful deatials..

  5. I love the way those diamonds form a very cool border line.

  6. It's awesome Shona! Like the smiling photo cut out!
