
Saturday, December 5, 2015

Holiday Shaker Card

Hi everyone!  It is not often that I get to play for just me but today I did. I have wanted to try my hand at a shaker card for a while now and had some time today to play for just me….yippeee! I did not have a pattern just kind of made it work and I love this cute little holiday card. I used Riddersholm Christmas collections from the Flying Unicorn store. Lots of little layers from their two Christmas collections.
I tucked in some Flying Unicorn lace and beautiful Petaloo flowers.

The snowflakes and title chippys are from CreativeEmbellishments and pretty much everything I used is from the Flying Unicornstore…they have an amazing selection of goodies there to play with.

I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday season! Take care and happy Scrapping!

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